Sunday Sessions: A weekly round up of links to awesome things | www.highwallsblog,com

LINE ONE /  This week I discovered the designer planter wonderland that is Light & Ladder! Totally crushing on the Hex Spora planters - obviously, I now desperately need about a million of them!

LINE TWO / Illustrator Alex Solis is creating an image for every day of February showcasing each letter of the alphabet in sign language accompanied by an illustration of an animal namesake. Adorable and super clever! You can check out the series on his blog or his instagram.

LINE THREE / Sick of being made to feel as though her life was lacking as an unmarried woman, photographer Suzanne Heintz created this wonderful project Life Once Removed where she crafted her own domestic bliss with the aid of a mannequin husband and daughter. ‘Perfect’ family indeed!

LINE FOUR / My wardrobe seems unbearably drab and boring now that I have discovered these amazing shoes from Irregular Choice. Are they ridiculous? Yes. Are they practical? Not at all. Do I want one of every style? Damn straight I do!!


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