iphone-society6(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

On Friday something happened in my life. Something that affected me more profoundly than I ever thought it would. That’s right, I got a new iPhone 5.

I liked my old iPhone 4 just fine. It was a decent phone. Pretty much on par with my old HTC android phone. I wasn’t in love with it or anything. My new phone isn’t all that different from the older iPhone but it’s just so new and shiny and pretty! All I want to do is keep it safe so it can stay as beautiful forever! Whenever I need to dress my tech, Society6 is always my first point of call. The almost never ending supply of art and designs come in so many formats, you can always find something a little unique to show off.

I’ve narrowed my choices down to some black and white or CMYK designs. What do you think? I’m kind of partial to that octopus dreaming of hummingbirds, even if I don’t really understand him.